Programma October

Our Programme on Radar

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Zaterdag 2 oktober
Onkruid festival! Krakend Oost opend de deuren na het Kraakverbod; meer info op:
17:00 Rufus Kain
20:00 Leendert

Donderdag 7, Filmavond:
21:00 -24:00
The power of nightmares (2004) Adam Curtis' controversial documentary on the roots of American Neo-conservatism and Islamism

Vrijdag 8:
20:00 Voku
21:00 Live muziek
Roger Hammond

Donderdag 14, Filmavond:
21:00 -24:00
Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders, 1984) A man wanders out of the desert not knowing who he is. His brother finds him, and helps to pull his memory back of the life he led before he walked out on his wife and son four years before. As his memory returns, he makes contact with various people from his past.

Vrijdag 15:
20:00 Kitchenpunx Benefiet Voku
21:00 Live muziek
Michael Schade; Benefiet voor de oprichting van het autonome Centrum in Oost-Duitsland

Zondag 17
16:00 – 20:00 Poëzie & muziek
met Jacob Groot, Maria van Daalen, Arthur Lava; Jack Cappy (stem) en Paul Schaaps (git.) insheep in wolf's clothing, letters home from war; MC Kato, Julius Joker, circushondje e.a.

Donderdag 21, Filmavond: ?
21:00 -24:00
Roel’s surprise Film

Vrijdag 22:
20:00 Voku
21:00 Live muziek
Matu & Barbara

Donderdag 28, Filmavond:
21:00 -24:00
How Weed Won The West (Kevin Booth, 2010) Documentary on the effects of cannabis prohibition.

Vrijdag 29:
20:00 Voku
21:00 Live muziek
Martin de Paepe